
Obtain principal amount and time and then calculate simple interest as per following specification if the principal is greater than or more than Rs. 10000the rate of interest is 6% otherwise it is 5%

Hi Friends welcome to The Enchanting Team and in this blog I am going to show you How to Make a program to get simple Interest as per following specification if the principal is greater than or more than Rs. 10000, then the rate of interest is 6 % otherwise it is 5 %. So Lets Begin........... 1.First of all design a layout of your      program like this........ 2. Now by Double clicking on the Calculate Button. You will enter to the backend of your program.  And then enter this code after the line // TO DO ADD YOUR HANDLING CODE HERE.  double principal, time, rate; String txt = PrincipalTF.getText(); String txt1 = TimeTF.getText(); principal = Double.parseDouble(txt); time = Double.parseDouble(txt1); if(princial >=10000) { RateLabel.setText("6%); rate = 0.06; } else  { RateLabel.setText("5%"); rate = 0.05; } double intr = principal * time* rate ; InterLabel.setText(" " + intr) ; -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 3.Your program is ready now

Learn To Make Calculator In Java NetBeans

I Friends Welcome back to The Enchanting Team Today I will tell you How to Make a Calculator in Java NetBeans. ............ If you Want To Watch Video On this You Can Watch Here (This)  So You can Watch It.  So Lets Start Theory on this.  1. Firstly You have make a New Project 2. So while creating the project      first you should set the name of your project. 3. And after this uncheck the main class option      given below the screen. 4. Then as a project has been created,  on the        left side of your screen right click on your          project name and clock on new and choose      Jframe form. 5. So its a layout of your project now you have       design your calculator. 6. For designing you firstly choose label and         name it calculator as heading. 7. After this select and drag one more label           name it number 1 and then  one more label       and name it number 2.  8. In the front of the number 1 and number 2         you need to drag


Hi Friends welcome Back. From Today you will get blogs for Learning JavaScript. So It's a Blog  Series of JavaScript. Today You will get Introduction to the JavaScript. Introduction to JavaScript The world wide web www begin HD text only medium the first browser did not even support image within web pages. Today's website can include a lot of features like graphics sound animation video and occasionally useful content. Web scripting language also, known as client - side scripting language, such as JavaScript, are the one of the easiest way to add dynamic state to the webpage and to interact user in new way. Client-side script can control browsers actions associated with a web page. Scripps a program written in a simple and easy to use language to specify control of other program. Client side script are almost always written in JavaScript language to control the browsers action to control the browsers action. Tasks performed with client side script script side script sc

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